Our Culture
Here at North American Senior Benefits and the Dream Makers Team, our culture is second-to-none! With our family-first foundation and united team-spirited atmosphere, it’s no wonder we are the fastest growing IMO in the nation! Culture and leadership define a company and are directly correlated to its success. At NASB, our agents are the utmost priority, as we provide daily business mentorship and partnership to aid each individual to realize their fullest potential. Our team thrives on showing appreciation, and we aim to provide consistent recognition by rewarding hard work in thoughtful, creative ways. While we work hard, we also have a lot of fun!
We Are Family!
For the Dream Makers Team, family is everything, but family doesn’t always have to mean by blood. We are one big family - working together! We are dedicated to being intentional to pour love and value into one another, our spouses, significant others, and perhaps most importantly, our children, as they are the next generation to carry our work forward. We are able to trust in and count on each other, enjoy one another’s company, and we truly experience life to its fullest…together! Are you ready to bring your family with you on the journey of a lifetime?
We Are Freedom!
Many people search all their lives for a career that provides financial security coupled with scheduling flexibility, however, very few find it. Truth is, it doesn’t seem to exist in corporate America. At North American Senior Benefits, our agents have the beautiful combination of both! Thousands have come to our platform looking for real work-life balance, and that is the reason most continue to stay and thrive with our platform. Why sacrifice time for money or money for time when you can have both here?
We Love Our Seniors!
Without our amazing clients, NASB wouldn’t exist. It is because of them we have work in order to provide for our own families, but even more than that - they give us a sense of fulfillment and purpose every day we get the opportunity to serve them. They teach us more than we teach them, as they share their unique stories and wisdom. Their kind words and thoughtful gifts show their deep appreciation for our services to them. We become an extension of their family and they become part of ours. They are a blessing and a gift to us everyday!

Lady Leaders!
NASB has created a platform for anyone with any background to find success! We are a diverse company who celebrates our differences. Whether male or female, young or old, the only person who can determine your future here is YOU! We hold annual ladies’ retreats and other events to teach and inspire our businesswomen that they have what it takes to do the seemingly impossible and that they are worth it. We believe a lady can be every bit as successful as a gentlemen in the financial services sector, as NASB has already proven by promoting the very first females to the Partner level out of all privately-owned insurance brokerages in the nation!
Work Hard, Play Hard!
NASB and The Dream Makers know how to celebrate in BIG, exciting ways! We make sure our agents have a blast at every turn - from conferences, trips, incentives, group events, luxurious dinners and royal treatment, and so much more - we certainly know how to bring the entertainment and continue to explore new, adventurous ways to fellowship and celebrate together to create the best, most long-lasting memories.